Self Help with Home Pharmacy – with WGS as Epigenetic Support

Document Type : Abstract


Scientific Committee Head, Regenerative Medicine by Non-invasive No Drug Therapy, European Medical Association – Brussels / Germany


Background and Aim: The participant's inquiry about family liver issues led to an exploration of genetics and heredity. Recognizing each individual's unique genomic signature, the study utilizes whole genome sequencing from saliva samples to predict genetic variants and traits. The aim is personalized insights into inherited genes, guiding tailored interventions for holistic well-being, considering both monogenic and lifestyle factors.
Method: This study utilizes whole genome sequencing with saliva samples to predict genetic variants related to liver health, dietary patterns, and psychosomatic aspects affecting quality of life. A case study illustrates the misdiagnosis of liver cancer in a six-year-old, leading to early termination. Home pharmacy interventions, a customized diet, exercise recommendations, and a daily activity chart by the child's mother address identified genomic factors.
Results: The case study demonstrates the potential of whole genome sequencing in preventing the early termination of the liver. By incorporating self-help strategies, such as home pharmacy interventions and personalized lifestyle adjustments based on genomic insights, significant improvements were observed in the child's health. The results underscore the importance of understanding and leveraging individual genomic information for targeted interventions.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the study emphasizes the significance of whole genome sequencing in unraveling individual genetic signatures and tailoring interventions for improved health outcomes. The presented case study highlights the transformative impact of genomic insights in preventing a misdiagnosed liver condition. This approach holds promise for personalized healthcare, empowering individuals to take proactive measures at home based on their unique genomic makeup.


Main Subjects

Volume 2, Issue 2
Special Issue: Abstract and Papers from ICBMS23 (Turkey), ICBM23 (Hungary), ICCMM23 (Italy)
Pages 307-307
  • Receive Date: 19 December 2023
  • Accept Date: 19 December 2023